Hey, It's Chase. This is my website. My social is @briefchase and I exist here and on other platforms. I have meticulously constructed a van, which I have lived in full time since my second year of college, and I possess a degree in Computer Science from The Ohio State University with a specialization Artificial Intelligence.
This website is hosted on Google Cloud Platform within a Docker container, utilizing Traefik as a dynamic reverse proxy for routing and load balancing, and apache2 for serving webpages. The site automatically manages SSL/TLS certificates through Let's Encrypt, orchestrated by a makefile that automates the setup, configuration, execution, certification, and management of Docker containers seamlessly, making use of modern DevOps practices. The code is available here.Here are some links to stores i've set up and my github. Stickers will not ship right now (site is probably down) but you're free to spend money there (nothing will happen).